Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Drive Locker XP 2.0.1 Pro

Protecting your files and folders from unwanted access is a very important issue nowadays, when there are a lot of methods for data stealing. There are a lot of software solutions to help you protect your computer drives and your data.

Drive Locker XP Pro is a simple application that allows you to restrict the access to selected drives. One of its disadvantages is that it can only be run on Windows XP, as more recent operating systems are not supported.

When running the program for the first time, it notifies you about its default password, which can be customized. The software provides users with a simple interface, extremely easy to handle.

The main application window displays check-boxes for every drive letter, regardless of the fact that there is drive assigned or not. You simply have to check or uncheck the drives you want to lock or unlock and then click on the 'Save change' button. After doing so, the program notifies you about the operations' success.

One inconvenient of this program is that you have to restart your computer for the changes to take effect, as the drive is locked only at the next logon.

Drive Locker XP Pro makes the drives you selected simply vanish from Windows Explorer window, thus restricting the access. This application is capable of hiding even the DVD or CD-ROM drive, as well as the floppy drive (if available).

If you want to unlock your drive and make it appear again, you simply have to go through the same process again, including rebooting the computer.

Overall, Drive Locker XP Pro is an easy to use program for restricting access to your drives. But unlike other programs from its category, it can only hide the selected drives and does not allow you to assign them a password.

Nb : This is Freeware,so don't worry when you install this program and ask the serial,just click next./Ini aplikasi gratis jadi tidak usah bingung ketika instal di minta serial,klik saja next.(pertama ane jug bingung hehehehee)...Untuk penggunaanya tinggal di cek drive yg mo di lock trus logoff kompinya,begitu juga jika ingin di unlock,ilangin cek pada drive yg di lock trus logoff kompi.

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