Sabtu, 28 April 2012

10 Greet Flash Loading Animations

Loading…. a most frequently used part in flash movie. To avoid your user see a blank screen and don’t know what happens, you provide them with loading animation indicating the progress and how long your user will be able to see the movie.

Of course, flash authorizing tool provide its progress bar component which has been universally used. However, if you want your movie looks different from the other, you might need to offer your user a unique loading animation. I have seen a lots of creative design for those. But, the more complicated loading animation, the larger swf file, which might cost user waiting sometime until they can see the loading part. That will be worse when our user has slow internet experience.

I will provide you with 10 generic loading animations, which is small in size and different from the progress bar provided by flash. The .fla is also attached, allowing you to make as you like.

Free flash preloader animations pack includes a number of nice loading progress designs, which can be used as a preloader in your flash application. We offer 10 different free flash animations for different cases, where preloader might be needed. Some of them are well-known, like Macintosh OS loading indicator or clockwise bubbling and some are just new designs.

All animations included in the pack are pure vectors. That enables you easily change colors and sizes to fit look-and-feel of your flash project or website for free of charge.

Size 3 Mb

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