Kamis, 29 September 2011

Stereoscopic Player v1.7.2 Portable 100% workz(Pemutar 3D Movie)

Bagi yg kepingin nonton pelem dalam format 3D,silahkan coba ne software....
Fitur :
¢ Easy-to-use user interface
¢ Supports Video for Windows (.avi), MPEG-1 (.mpg) and Windows Media (.wmv, .asf) format
¢ Supports Windows Media Dual Stream files
¢ Supports separate left/right files
¢ Digital Rights Management (for stereoscopic Windows Media files only)
¢ Playback of any other format supported by third party DirectShow decoders
¢ Windows Media 7.1 and 5.1 multichannel audio decoding
¢ Windows Media streaming
¢ 3D-DVD playback 1
¢ Live playback from capture devices (TV card, DV camcorder, …)
¢ Built-in video library stores settings for each movie
¢ Retrieves data from stereoscopic metadata servers
¢ Import and export of stereoscopic metafiles
¢ Command line control
¢ OLE automation
¢ Compatible with Windows Media Center IR remote control

NB : Perlu kacamata 3D untuk nonton (File udah termasuk video membuat
         kacamata 3D).

Size 11 MB
Pass : wnz

3 komentar:

  1. matur tengkyu...
    izin sedot...

  2. Mohon maaf ya karena account MF na di suspend jadi banyak file yg udah lama ilank..sedang saya gk punya backup..
